The benefits of using Aquatabs Water Purification systems in schools

The benefits of using Aquatabas water purification systems in school 1

Nov 20th was #WorldChildrensDay, in celebration of children everywhere, Aquatabs continue to highlight a crucial yet often overlooked aspect that significantly impacts children’s health and education: Access to Clean Water in schools.

Clean water is not just a basic need; it’s a foundation for a healthy learning environment. Children with access to clean water can maintain hygiene, stay hydrated, and are less likely to fall ill. This means more time in class, better concentration, and a stronger foundation for their future.

Every drop counts in nurturing the next generation. Let’s commit to ensuring clean water for every child, in every school.

#Nov20thWorldChildrensDay #EducationForAll #CleanWater #HealthyLearning

The benefits of using water purification systems like Aquatabs in schools are substantial, particularly in areas where access to safe drinking water is challenging. These benefits are not just hypothetical; they are supported by rigorous scientific research, including studies published in reputable journals like The Lancet.

One such study is the “Effect of in-line drinking water chlorination at the point of collection on child diarrhoea in urban Bangladesh: a double-blind, cluster-randomised controlled trial,” published in The Lancet Global Health. This study highlights the significant health impacts that simple water purification solutions can have on a vulnerable population.

While the study focuses on the broader community rather than schools specifically, the implications for school environments are clear and compelling. The benefits of using Aquatabs water purification methods in schools, highlighted by the findings of the Lancet study, are discussed below.

Reduced Incidence of Diarrhoea: The study showed a significant reduction in the prevalence of child diarrhoea through the simple act of in-line water chlorination at the point of collection. In a school setting, this finding suggests that using Aquatabs could similarly reduce the incidence of waterborne illnesses among students, leading to healthier children.

Improved Attendance: Reducing diarrhoeal episodes makes students less likely to miss school. This increased attendance is crucial for maintaining consistent education and promoting higher academic achievement.

Enhanced Cognitive Function: Healthier children are more capable of concentration and learning. The physical toll of repeated diarrhoeal episodes can hinder cognitive development and academic performance. Students will likely have a better cognitive function and educational outcomes by improving water quality and reducing these illnesses.

Economic Benefits: The study underscores the financial strain of diseases like diarrhoea on families and healthcare systems. By reducing these illnesses in schools, there’s potential for broader economic benefits, including fewer healthcare costs and less financial strain on families often compelled to miss work to care for sick children.

Community Health: Schools often serve as community hubs. Introducing water purification practices in schools can have a ripple effect, encouraging better water hygiene practices within families and the wider community.

Scalability: The study in Bangladesh demonstrates the effectiveness of water chlorination at a community-wide level, suggesting that similar large-scale benefits can be achieved in school settings across different regions.

Emergency Preparedness: Aquatabs are particularly important during emergencies or natural disasters. Schools equipped with tablets and systems can continue to provide safe drinking water to students and staff during crises.

Water Testing in Dhaka, Bangladesh

By integrating evidence-backed practices like those suggested in The Lancet’s study, schools can become not just centres of education, but also centres of health and wellness, providing a safe environment where children can thrive both physically and mentally. The use of Aquatabs or similar water purification systems is a proven, cost-effective, and scalable intervention that can have a profound impact on the lives of students and their communities.

Let’s examine the key benefits of using Aquatabs System Solutions in schools.

Disease Prevention: By effectively killing pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa, Aquatabs help prevent waterborne diseases like cholera, typhoid, and dysentery, which are particularly dangerous for children.

Cost-Effective: Aquatabs are much more affordable than large-scale filtration systems and do not require significant infrastructure investment or maintenance costs. This cost-effectiveness is essential for schools operating on limited budgets.

Ease of Use: Aquatabs single-dose tablets are straightforward and do not require specialised training. This means they can be easily administered by school staff or even older students, fostering a sense of responsibility and community involvement. In schools facing temporary relocation due to natural disasters or other emergencies, the foil-wrapped tabs can be easily moved and used in any setting.

Aquatabs Water System Solutions (AWASS) can be quickly installed, and our water treatment experts provide full training before installation.

No Electricity Required: Aquatabs Flo runs on the flow of water entering a tank. With no electricity required, Aquatabs and Aquatabs Flo are ideal for use in remote areas or regions with unreliable power supply. The Aquatabs InLine purifies up to 360,000 litres of water and fits seamlessly into an existing water pipe system.

Minimal Taste and Odour: Unlike other purification methods, Aquatabs do not impart significant taste or odour to the water, making it more palatable for children.

Educational Opportunities: Water purification can be a practical, hands-on educational experience for students, teaching them about chemistry, health, and environmental stewardship.

Community Impact: The benefits of clean water extend beyond the school day. Children who learn about the importance of clean water at school bring that knowledge home, potentially improving the health practices of entire communities.

Environmental Benefits: Using Aquatabs, schools can reduce the need for bottled water, reducing plastic waste and environmental impact.

Aquatabs Water System Solutions were specifically designed for use in countries where schools and communities cannot access clean, safe water. They are low-cost, simple, and effective methods to ensure the safety and health of students and staff. They are fostering an environment conducive to learning and growth.

Do you have a question about Aquatabs? Contact us here: [email protected]

Aquatabs ® 2023

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